Mae District isn’t your typical wedding venue, since the building was previously frequented by Al Capone and his crew. Even though the space was built in the late 1800’s, it really delivers a fantastic experience with its historical aura.
Some insight into the historic side of this building is that the upstairs space was once used by Al Capone and his crew as a shooting range for target practice, and they would also carry away their secret plans to transport liquor through underground tunnels during The Prohibition.
Mae district has three separate event spaces under one roof: The Palm Room, June, and Jades. They also offer their third floor facilities, which include a wedding suite, conference space, and full kitchen with stainless steel appliances. These are perfect if you are wanting to get ready at the venue.
The Palm Room features large windows on the north wall that instantly brightens the room. The all white surrounding walls really transforms the area into a more spacious and fresh one. The capacity for guests is up to 150 seated or 200 standing for the reception.
June and Jades can be paired up to create a more extensive wedding event. June is the ideal space for a cocktail reception, and it accommodates up to 200 guests. It features a built in bar with surrounding restored tiles that pairs beautifully with the herringbone floor. This space also leads to The Secret Garden, an outdoor patio with lined greenery and string lights to create a peaceful scenery.
Jade acts as the bridge between the two other main spaces and is made up of the same herringbone floor but with the added touch of having the original ceiling since the beginning of the 1900’s. This event hall is the grandest of all for accommodating up to 250 guests for the reception.
You can contact the venue for pricing and to tour the space. We also keep our blog post as up to date as possible, but this information might change at any time at the venue's discretion.
Do you feel surprised that this venue was previously used by Al Capone? Comment down below!